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7 Common Height Safety Mistakes

The 7 most common height safety mistakes Mistakes with height safety are easy to make and unfortunately..

By admin 18 January 2019

The 7 most common height safety mistakes

Mistakes with height safety are easy to make and unfortunately all too common.  Height safety is an expert field, that requires specialists that understand the risks and can recommend and install height safety solutions that reduce the risk of falls.

Below are some of the common height safety mistakes that you can avoid ensure safe roof access and keep your workers safe.

(1) No height safety equipment

Lets start with the most obvious one first.  In a modern society, it is totally unacceptable and there is no excuse to not have any height safety equipment installed to ensure safe roof access. Both your business your staff can be personally liable (civilly and criminally) for turning a blind eye. Working at height can be safety managed.

(2) Non-conformance to Australian Standards

Ensuring compliance to Australian Standards, Codes of Practice and Australian legislation is compulsory and non negotiable.  Enough said.

(3) No ongoing testing or inspections

Installing a compliant height safety system is great, but you need to have your height safety equipment inspected and tested on a regular basis to ensure compliance.  Conformance to Australian Standards is non-negotiable, so you need to ensure your height safety system is tested and inspected regularly.  Australia is also a very corrosive environment (heat, rain, cold, UV, etc etc) so it important height safety inspections on done regularly.

(4) Inadequate height safety design

Designing and developing a height safety systems requires an intimate understanding of all Australian Standards, Codes of Practice and Australian legislation, specialised knowledge and years of experience. Poor design will lead to compliance issues, and unsafe roof access.

(5) Poor installation

A height safety systems can be designed well and to meet relevant standards, but if its installed incorrectly then lives can be put at risk.  Ensure your height safety installers are accredited, trained and experienced to install the solution they have designed. They will understand the

(6) Use of sub-standard materials

A compliant height safety design will meet regulatory requirements, it can be installed by qualified technicians, however the height safety solution can be compromised by poor quality materials. You need to ensure the material used in the height safety solution meets all standards.

(7) Choosing the wrong height safety partner

Height safety in complex and best left to the experts.  There are lots of height safety companies in the market, but you need to ask the hard questions and then choose a height safety service provider that has a track record and experience across multiple industries to deliver height safety to your workers.

Accidents don’t have to happen

If you allow workers Roof Access to your building, you have a legal obligation to comply with all Australian Standards and regulations around Height Safety, Fall Prevention and Fall Arrest. To ensure the Height Safety of your workers and the legal compliance for your business, contact the trained and accredited experts today for an obligation free consultation.

About Essential Height Safety

Essential Height Safety are the leading experts in Height Safety. We’ve have been working with more than 1000 businesses, helping them safely control Height Safety risks and identify Roof Access hazards. Contact the experts today for an obligation free consultation.

We’re here to help You Ensure Roof Safety

If you allow workers Roof Access to your building, you have a legal obligation to comply with all Australian Standards, Codes and Regulations around Height Safety, Roof Safety, Fall Protection and Fall Arrest. To ensure the Height Safety of your workers and the legal compliance for your business, contact the trained and accredited experts today for an obligation free consultation.


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